Are you planning to start your own business? We're here to support you every step of the way. Discover our public service that provides residents with free business support at Startup Follo.

Whether you need guidance on business planning, legalities, or general advice on entrepreneurship, our dedicated platform is designed to assist and empower aspiring business owners. Don't navigate the entrepreneurial path alone – let us be your guide.

At Startup Follo, we offer a range of services tailored to support aspiring entrepreneurs. Our services include:

  • 1-1 Startup Coaching
  • General Startup Courses (In Norwegian Only)
  • Specialty Startup Courses (In Norwegian Only)
  • Business Compass startup programme 
  • Næringsfaglig vurdering (Business assessment) for unemployed

Visit Startup Follo now to access valuable resources and embark on a successful journey towards establishing your own business!


These services are funded by Akershus County Municipality.


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